Monday, April 30, 2007

Team BMC Party

On Friday, a group of us from the team that trained together on Saturday mornings got together to eat, drink, laugh, and share marathon stories. It was great!! Jeff and his wife had us over to their house for dinner, which was so wonderful of them and the lasagna was very yummy!

Although its only been 2 weeks since the marathon, it was great to see everyone again. Most of us didn't get a chance to see or talk to each other after we finished the race so it was a great way to hear every one's stories. I just felt bad for all the non-running spouses that were there and had to listen to us talk on and on about running!

We all chatted about what's up next as far as running....some are focusing on shorter distances, triathlons, or fall marathons. I hope our group can continue to get together since we all seem to have a lot of fun together ( can always make me laugh!!) I am going to miss our Saturday morning long runs so let's try to keep that up too!

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