Monday, March 21, 2011

Lucky number 18!

So even though I was bummed about not skiing last weekend, I am so lucky to have had an amazing ski season while living in SLC.  In total, I (and therefore the baby) have skied a total of 18 times this winter!  That's got to be more than I skied out east in 5 years combined!  I know many people were shocked, worried, judgmental, etc. about me skiing while pregnant but an equal number were supportive and thought it was awesome I was still out there.  I'm so glad I listened to my body and took advantage of the amazing snow we've gotten this year.  The fact that in my last 3 weekends of skiing we had 20-30 inches of snow each weekend.  Yes, that's 60-90 inches total of the fluffy white stuff in 3 weeks.

I truly think the baby liked going skiing with me!  He would often kick and squirm a lot while driving up the canyon and when I would get on the lift.  Then the motion of actual skiing would lull him to sleep.  I'm not sure what was going on in his little head, but since he's got Bryan's and my DNA, I'm pretty sure he was doing a happy dance :)

My goal was to be able to ski through February and I hit that goal plus some.  The video below was taken on March 6th when I was officially in my third trimester (27 weeks).

Now the only question is if the baby will ski alpine like me or telemark like his daddy!
(we all know he'll be put up for adoption if he even mentions snowboarding...I kid, I kid...sort of!)

Friday, March 18, 2011

Sometimes pregnancy has its perks!

Let me set the scene for you:  Last night I went out to a bar with Bryan and some friends to celebrate Saint Patrick's Day.  After quite a few rounds (club soda for for the others*) and a baby sitting on my bladder, I made my way through the very crowded bar to the bathroom.  Like any bar, there was a line for the ladies room and I got in the back of the line...

Drunk girl #1:  "OMG...I have to pee so bad!!!"
Drunk girl #2:  "Meeeee tooooo!!" (Said in desperation) 
Me:  (smiling at them while rubbing my belly)
Drunk girl #3 at the front of the line:  "OMG look at need to come to the front of the line!!"
Me:  "oh no, I'm okay" (smiling and continuing to rub the belly)
Drunk girls in unison:  "Absolutely go must have to go worse than all of us!!"

This was followed by lots of " are so cute!"  and "you are so sweet for coming out tonight while pregnant"  (hello, I'm pregnant, not dead!) so I smiled and said thanks while I ducked into the bathroom before all of them!  Heck, I'm not drinking so shouldn't I get a little special treatment??  I'm not ashamed to say I used my baby....and it worked ;)  I can see this new found power coming in VERY handy over the next 2 months!

*In total confession, I will admit to having two sips of Bryan's beer....and man did it taste good!!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

My View

I've posted a few belly shots over the weeks so you could all see how my bump is growing and changing.  Most have been either profile or head on pictures.  I realize that is how other people view me, but unless I'm in front of a mirror, that's not the view I get.  I get more of a birds eye view of the bump so I thought I would share my perspective on my ever growing belly.  Sometimes I wonder if its ever going to be flat again!?!?

Almost 29 least I can still see my toes!

Yes, baby and I are sporting green for St. Paddy's Day.  Not Irish, but I figure if Atheists celebrate Christmas then why not :) 

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Feeling robbed

***The following blog is not my usual yay-I'm -so-happy-to-be-pregnant type of post...consider yourself warned***

Today I was planning to blog about the awesome last day of skiing I had last weekend.  I even had a video to add.  But it turns out I'm in no mood to write about that today.  Instead, I've spent most of the morning sulking around the house because I am home and not out skiing.

Today is the last day that I realistically could have skied this year due to weekend plans for the next few weeks and I'd be pretty big the next free weekend I would have had.  But I'm not skiing.  Bryan and I talked last night and while I know I would have been fine skiing today, he wasn't so enthusiastic about it.  I thought I was fine with that decision...turns out I'm not.  All morning I can't help but feel that I've been robbed of my last possible ski day of the year.  I'm mad that I didn't stand up for myself because I know my body well enough to know that skiing today would have been just fine.  Instead of ending the season on a high note and on my terms, I feel like I'm missing out.  I know, I know....I should be grateful that I've been able to ski as much and as far into this pregnancy as I have and yes, there are many worse things in the world to be upset about.  But right now all I can focus on is the fact that I'm not skiing.

And to add salt to my wound, I went out for a run hoping that would cheer me up only to get a side stitch towards the end and having to walk the last mile.  Awesome!

I know in a couple days this will seem like no big deal, but right now I just need some time to be upset about it.  I promise to be back to my regularly scheduled happy blogging soon...I know we all like those posts better than this!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Wait...what was I doing??

As if giving up my body for 9 months to grow another human isn't enough, now I have to give up my mind too?!?!  If you've never been pregnant or around a pregnant woman, you might not be aware of Pregnancy Brain.  Or you might just think its another excuse we use when we forget to take out the garbage.  But according to many baby books and webMD (it doesn't get more official than that!) Pregnancy Brain or Momnesia is very real.  This forgetfulness occurs during pregnancy that makes other people (and yourself) look at you like you're crazy!

Below are three four (updated to add another one!) scenarios that happened to me today (yes, all in one day) be the judge if Pregnancy Brain is real!
  1. I was driving into work this morning and started heading towards the hospital to drop Bryan off.  About half way there, I looked at the passenger seat and remembered that Bryan wasn't with me today.
  2. Once at work, I loaded our sterilizer with stuff.  About 30 minutes later, one of my coworkers came into my office and asked me if I had meant to start the sterilizer or if I meant to leave it off.
  3. Just a few minutes ago, I called to leave a message with my doctor's office.  I needed to select option 3 on the automated message and I did on my work phone.  I was confused when nothing happened until I realized that I had used my cell phone to make the call.  
  4. *Update* I went to Whole Foods over lunch to get stuff for dinner to save time since I had a massage appointment scheduled for right after work.  I put the bag of food in the fridge at work to keep it cold.  Guess where I drove back to after my massage to get said bag of food.
Its going to be a long three months if this continues...although forgetting to take the garbage out does sound like a nice perk :)

Friday, March 4, 2011

3 months to go!

Today is March 4th.  My due date is June 4th.  That means only 3 months to go!!  And tomorrow I am officially 27 weeks which means I am in my 3rd (and LAST) trimester!

I haven't had a doctor's appointment for a couple weeks but as of last checked by my OB everything was growing on target.  According to pregnancy websites, he weighs a little over 2 lbs now and is about 15" long from head to foot.  I'm feeling tons of movement now and can tell he likes to hang out on the left side of my abdomen.  I'm also feeling what may be feet poking me that I can move with some light pressure.  Overall this is the most fun part of being pregnant.

I'll have at least one more official ultrasound at around 30 weeks but once again Bryan has been able to take a quick peek at the little guy so we could see how he's doing.  For the first time his heart was big enough that even I could see all 4 chambers and how they worked while beating.  Its a couple weeks old so he's gotten even bigger by now, but it was amazing to see the difference from my anatomy scan at 18.5 weeks.  His body no longer fits all in one picture!

The little guy at 25 weeks
And here's a few from this past weekend (26 weeks) on Antelope Island that's in the Great Salt Lake.