Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Wait...what was I doing??

As if giving up my body for 9 months to grow another human isn't enough, now I have to give up my mind too?!?!  If you've never been pregnant or around a pregnant woman, you might not be aware of Pregnancy Brain.  Or you might just think its another excuse we use when we forget to take out the garbage.  But according to many baby books and webMD (it doesn't get more official than that!) Pregnancy Brain or Momnesia is very real.  This forgetfulness occurs during pregnancy that makes other people (and yourself) look at you like you're crazy!

Below are three four (updated to add another one!) scenarios that happened to me today (yes, all in one day)....you be the judge if Pregnancy Brain is real!
  1. I was driving into work this morning and started heading towards the hospital to drop Bryan off.  About half way there, I looked at the passenger seat and remembered that Bryan wasn't with me today.
  2. Once at work, I loaded our sterilizer with stuff.  About 30 minutes later, one of my coworkers came into my office and asked me if I had meant to start the sterilizer or if I meant to leave it off.
  3. Just a few minutes ago, I called to leave a message with my doctor's office.  I needed to select option 3 on the automated message and I did on my work phone.  I was confused when nothing happened until I realized that I had used my cell phone to make the call.  
  4. *Update* I went to Whole Foods over lunch to get stuff for dinner to save time since I had a massage appointment scheduled for right after work.  I put the bag of food in the fridge at work to keep it cold.  Guess where I drove back to after my massage to get said bag of food.
Its going to be a long three months if this continues...although forgetting to take the garbage out does sound like a nice perk :)

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