Friday, December 31, 2010

The Best Christmas Present

Let's face it, Christmas morning is just not as fun when you're an adult.  If you're anything like Bryan and I, we pretty much know what every present is under the tree.  There's not too many surprises and most of the time, I'd rather sleep in than wake up early Christmas morning to open presents.

But not this Christmas....this Christmas Bryan and I ran downstairs with all the excitement of kids eager to see what Santa brought us.  While there wasn't a shiny new bike or a pretty doll under the tree, there was a single sealed envelope staring at us.  Inside that envelope was the best present we have ever gotten!

You see, the Monday before Christmas Bryan brought me into the hospital to have one of the ultrasound techs scan me.  We watched the screen as she showed us the baby's face as it made kissy, sucking motions with its mouth.  We saw the brain, four chambers of the heart, two kidneys, and no sign of a cleft pallet.  What we didn't see because we both looked away was what was between our baby's legs....the answer every parent is dying to know - Boy or Girl?!?!  Instead of looking, we had the tech write it on a piece of paper and seal it for us to open on Christmas morning.  

That envelop stared at us for 5 days before Christmas and I'm pretty darn proud of myself for not ripping it open the second Bryan left me alone with (I was still am that kid who searches the house for my presents when no one is around).

So Christmas morning came and we excitedly opened the envelop.  While the note was in there, they say a picture is worth a thousand words and we saw the ultrasound picture first.  There was no mistaking what we saw!!  Because I am a modest Mama, (and not wanting be accused of posting child pornography pictures on the internet), I'm not going to post the picture here.  

Instead I'll leave you with the note.....

To say we are beyond thrilled would be an understatement!!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Anyone in there?

Last Saturday I hit the 16 week mark and instead of looking like I'm growing a baby, I look more like I've been hitting Christmas cookies too hard!  If you didn't know I was pregnant you would have no idea and even those that do know still don't think I look much different.  

Hello Baby...are you in there??

The pregnancy books that I read show schematic pictures of what I should look like at this time and say that "maternity clothes are probably a must by now!"  Well, I sit here typing this still rocking my pre-pregnancy jeans wondering when my baby bump is going to pop.  I know everyone is different and I have a fairly long torso so I'm wondering if its going to take me a little extra time.  But Baby is growing just as it should so I'm not worried.  I'll happily rock my pre-pregnancy clothes for as long as I can because I know in a couple months I'll be looking down wondering if my stomach is ever going to be flat again!

So here it is, my 16 week "bump"

Monday, December 20, 2010

My New Running Buddy

I know its been a while since I last posted but I'll try to explain.  You see, I have this new running buddy that I haven't been able to tell you about yet, but now I'm excited to finally introduce you him!  He doesn't talk much, but sure makes his presence known...he has slowed me down a lot but I'm so thrilled to have him on every run with me...

Introducing my new running buddy!

Bryan and I are SO EXCITED about this little one (even though I referred to it as a "he" we don't know if it truly is a he or a she yet).  I'm 16 weeks along and everything with the baby is looking great.  Its nice that Bryan is a Radiologist because he's been able to bring me in to do ultrasounds whenever we want...its been fun to see the baby growing!  

Waving hi to everyone!

I'm still running although I've obviously scaled back a lot.  As I said before my pace is much slower and I  struggle some with the fact that I can no longer push my body the way I used to.  But its completely worth it!!  I'm also enjoying doing other activities rather than running all the time.  As for skiing, I am planning on continuing (I've already been out 4 times!) for as long as my body feels comfortable.  I'm hoping to be able to ski through February, my second trimester, but I'll take it one day at a time. At least December has brought us lots of snow in Utah to start the season out right!! 

Now that I'm out of the pregnancy closet, I promise to write more frequently and let you know how things are going.  I was just hard to post the last few months when all I could think about what the exact thing I couldn't post about!

So watch out Baby Goucher, Baby Radcliffe, and Baby Kastor...this baby is going to be right on your heels!