Wednesday, April 11, 2007

I'm Stalking the Weather!

Throughout the day I bounce back and forth between,, and the National Weather Service checking and comparing forecasts for Monday. Between my obsession with the weather and all the e-mails between my teammates, its amazing that I get any work done!

Well now I am starting to freak out about it.....why do we have to get our first Nor'easter of the year on Marathon Monday? The CBS weather man this morning actually used the phrase "storm of epic proportions" when referring to Monday's forecast and made a comment about the BAA maybe having to postpone or cancel the race!! In the 111 years the Boston Marathon has been run, it has never been canceled for the weather.....of course its the media trying to sensationalize the story, but not what I want to hear first thing in the morning!

The BAA then put out this news release:

Weather Alert - Monday's Boston Marathon

Wednesday, April 11 - As the Boston Athletic Association continues to make preparations for Monday's Boston Marathon, we are monitoring the upcoming weather conditions forecast for this area. Based on the National Weather Service's most recent report and in cooperation with the Executive Office of Public Safety (Commonwealth of Massachusetts) and the Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency, together with the eight cities and towns along the 26.2-mile marathon route, we are planning for likely heavy rain and windy conditions on race day. However, all race day plans remain the same. The Boston Athletic Association advises participants in Monday's race to plan accordingly for their run, bringing with them gear and apparel to suit the conditions. The B.A.A. will continue to update this web site as necessary.

Looks like I will be getting wet and running through a pretty strong head wind....great! I'm also really concerned for my family and friends that will be outside cheering me on. My parents and grandparents are driving 6 hours from Philly for in-laws are coming from upstate NY. I'll warm up from the running, but I'm so afraid they are going to be miserable watching.

With 5 days to go, I am praying that this storm either slows down and gets here on Tuesday, speeds up and gets here on Sunday, or takes a turn and stays far away!!


Robb Evans said...

Sarah -- Good luck to you. You should be really proud of yourself. I think it's really great that you're doing this.

As for the weather, I wouldn't worry about it. In fact, I WON'T worry about it. You can be sure I'll be tracking the progress of the race while sitting poolside sipping a Margarita. I sure hope MY training pays off!!

Maureen said... know we'll be there cheering you on no matter what the weather. Stay can handle have already proved that in all your hard work these last months.
See you soon......
Maureen and George