Wednesday, January 20, 2010

It's gotta be the Phiten!

A couple months back, I posted about my Phiten Titanium necklace and its magical healing powers (you can stop your snickering skepticism please). Well tonight I am even more convinced that the Phiten technology is working!

Yesterday I ran a very slushy 4 miles over lunch at work in the snow/sleet. My left peroneus longus (PL) muscle was extremely tight and felt like it was completely knotted up. Of course I didn't have time to stretch after the run as I had to get back to work. That night I did approximately 30-60 seconds of massage on it with The Stick, but no icing or vigorous foam rolling (shame on me, I know!).

The next morning, I decided to put a couple of my Phiten sticky dots along my leg. Again, no stretching and then maybe 30 seconds of foam rolling before my tempo run.

(No comments on my pasty white's winter in New England!)

Guess pain or tightnes!! I'm telling's gotta be the Phiten!! What other explanation is there??

PS. In case you were wondering, yes, I did my tempo run on the TM this week....and liked it! 2 mile warm up, 2 x 2 miles at tempo pace (7:30-7:40) with 90 second rest between, 1 mile cool down


Carmelle said...

Interesting. I wonder how it works. What's in them?!

Sarah said...

I'm guessing it works mostly by the placebo effect, but I don't really care!! They claim the titanium helps to regulate the flow of energy through your body to combat fatiuge and help heal faster.

As a doctor in training, I'm sure that sounds like a load of BS to you!! But hey....I haven't had any real pains or injuries since I started wearing the necklace, so who am I to question it :)

Van 1- Hall said...

maybe I need a phiten

Unknown said...

interesting... will read about this a bit more...

Carmelle said...

I'll let you know if I learn anything about it! I'm actually really interested in learning more about alternative medicine and therapies. If anything just to understand why patients care about them and how to allow that to be integrated into my future practice!