What do marathon world record holder Paula Radcliffe, American marathon debut record holder Kara Goucher, and I have in common?

No, its not our marathon pace or ripped abs....its our taste in jewelry! Or its that we are all suckers for gimmicks! Notice the simple black cord necklace we are all wearing? Its a Phiten Titanium necklace. Paula started wearing it first and Kara followed after her lead (yes, I am on a first name basis with them) so who am I, a 3:39 marathoner with no World or American records to my name, to argue?
So why are we all wearing this necklace? From the Phiten website:
Phiten products work with your body’s energy system, helping to regulate and balance the flow of energy throughout your body. Proper energy balance helps to alleviate discomfort, speed recovery, and counteract fatigue. Athletes find that they tire less easily and recover faster from intense physical activity. Further benefits of Phiten’s exclusive technology are more relaxed muscles leading to less stress and a greater range of motion that can be of great benefit to an athlete or anyone in any walk of life.
Titanium in a necklace to help me recover faster, feel less fatigue, and heal my injuries?? I know what you are thinking....'sucker!' But.....remember that tendinitis I had in my left knee earlier this summer? The nagging injury that bothered me every time I ran more than 7 miles and that I iced every night? Well, that nagging injury went away within a week of wearing this necklace.....and I was running more miles and longer long runs at the same time. Coincidence? I think not! (OK so maybe it is a coincidence but does it really matter? I've been running pain free since then and its not going to do any damage, so why not?!?Sometimes the placebo effect is all we need!)
Like I said, if its good enough for Paula and Kara, then its good enough for me!
Get out! Which one did you get? My best friend's brother has played baseball all his life, popping up in the majors for a brief stint, and he says everyone SWEARS by these necklaces and bracelets. Hell, I'll try anything and Kara is my #1 girl crush!
Yeah, they are also very popular among the baseball players...a lot of the Red Sox wear them (look how much good that did them!)
I got this one in black and grey. I also got some of the little sticky dots and pop a couple of them on anywhere that's hurting.
I'm like you....I'll try anything and its not going to do any harm, so why not!
PS. Kara is also my #1 girl crush....I'll fight you for her ;)
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