At the track last night, which stunk more?
A: The port-o-potty
B: The skunk that was hiding under the bleachers
C: Sarah's ability to run intervals
D: They all stunk equally as bad
And the answer is........C
Not sure what was going on last night, but I was having an off night! Last week, my combo of 1200m and 800m repeats went really well so last night I was planning to do 8 x 800m repeats. After a 2 mile warm up, I started off on the first 800m and my legs felt like someone had poured lead into them! I did another 800m and still couldn't shake that dead-leg feeling. I know sometimes it feels like you are running really slow but then your times are actually pretty decent....well, not last night!! Both repeats were about 3-6 seconds slower than I was last week. I know that doesn't sound like a lot, but that's a big difference over 800m!
I decided rather than sludging through 6 more 800m, I would shorten the length of each repeat.....not the same training effect as running the 800's but better than nothing and I still got some speed in (if you can even call my pace speed!). So here's how it shaped up:
2 mile warm up
2 x 800m with 400m recoveries
3 x 400m with 200m recoveries
6 x 200m with 200m recoveries
cool down to get me to 8.3 miles total
I haven't run 200m repeats since high school track but they were actually kind of fun :)
So yes, I stunk at my original interval plan but managed to turn it into a slightly less stinky run with a few adjustments. I figure I had some left over fatigue in my legs from doing my long run (that included MP miles) on Sunday rather than Saturday so I only had one day recovery. Let's face it....some days you have it, and some you don't!
Now how many of you got the pop quiz correct?
1 comment:
Where do you run?! Skunks belong in the woods, not on running tracks!
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