Monday, October 5, 2009

Maybe I should actually post about my training!

I realize that I haven't actually posted about my Philadelphia Marathon training recently. Things are going well and my body seems to be responding as I would like it to training. I'm self-coaching my plan this time around.....I hope I can trust myself :)

Here's how the last two weeks played out:

9/21-9/27: I took the runs this week pretty easy to let my body heal up after Reach the Beach. My quads had really taken a beating and my hips were tight from sitting in a van for 28 hours!

Monday: 4.15 miles at a super easy pace to shake things out
Tuesday: 10.4 miles fairly easy....legs were definitely feeling this one!
Wednesday: Rest calves were really tight after Tuesday's run so I took it easy.
Thursday: 7.25 miles easy with 8 x 100m strides....yep still feeling it! Also did yoga this evening which really helped loosen me up!
Friday: 4.15 miles easy
Saturday: 20.25 first 20 miler of the training. My body took a little longer to get into the groove, but by mile 5 I was feeling good. Ran negative splits and was happy to find some extra speed towards the end.
Sunday: Recovery 4.15 miles....sloooow!

Total: 50.4 miles

9/28-10/4: I decided to keep my total miles about the same as last week but added in some more quality. Legs were feeling pretty good this week!

Monday: 3 mile tempo run at lunch (avg 7:38). I ran with some of the guys I work with and they are pretty quick so this run turned into an impromptu tempo run.
Tuesday: 11.2 miles on the Newton Hills at a comfortable pace (avg 8:53)
Wednesday: 3 miles at lunch...only the fast guys showed up for our work running group this day so I was again running about tempo pace (avg 7:45). I also ran 4.8 super slow and easy miles after work before a yogalates class (combo of yoga and pilates.....didn't love it as much as my vinyasa yoga class, but not a bad substitute)
Thursday: 7.5 miles at a pretty decent clip. My body was tired and I didn't want to run, but I went out with Bryan and ended up with a great run....negative splits with the last couple miles at goal marathon pace (avg 8:19). I LOVE these surprise good run days! Finished up with a 60 minute yoga practice....streeeeech!
Friday: A much needed rest.....after running 8 days in a row, but body happily sat on the couch all evening!
Saturday: 4.5 slow and yucky miles....just felt terrible!
Sunday: 17.6 soupy and hilly miles. Where on earth did this humidity come from in October?!?! Ran 6.4 miles on my own and then grabbed Bryan and we did 11.2 miles together on the Newton Hills. We were both not feeling the run but stuck it out to average 9:03 pace....not bad given the conditions.

Total: 50.0 miles

This week Bryan and I are both running the BAA Half Marathon on Sunday. I'm still undecided on how I want to pace it, but I would like a nice new PR so hopefully that's in the cards! I'll bump the miles up a little more in the next few weeks as I peak for Philly.....legs don't fail me now!!

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