If you know me at all, you know that I have a huge sweet tooth....especially for all things chocolate and every cookie imaginable! That's what makes this feat I am about to explain all the more impressive...
I had decided that after the holidays, I was going to spend some time really focusing in on my diet. Now I know what you're thinking, and yes, I agree that I am skinny and don't need to lose any weight.....but....this isn't so much about weight as it is about cleaning up my diet. You see from November 22nd (the Philly marathon date) until January 2nd, I didn't pay one bit of attention to what foods went in my mouth. Obviously I didn't go overboard but I let myself indulge on yummy foods. Granted I did attempt to eat my weight in Christmas cookies (I told you I love cookies!) but that's not going overboard, is it?
So I decided to focus on eating a very clean diet for at least a week to kick start things. I've been eating lots of protein, veggies, and fruit and I've limit my carbs. Again, this is only temporary so don't freak out....I know I'm a marathon runner and need my carbs! And most important - NO SWEETS!
I come into work on Monday, the first day of my cleanse, feeling good about myself and what is sitting on my desk staring at me? A COOKIE....my arch nemesis this week and it was only day 1!!! A very nice intern left it for me as a thank you....curse her for being nice and leaving me food! Even though it was 7:30am, I was tempted to dive right into that cookie (nothing wrong with cookies for breakfast in my book) but I didn't. I held out.
I'm proud to say that its been 3 whole days and that cookie is still sitting on my desk staring at me. I know I could have given it to someone to take away the temptation, but I kind of like having it there. Like a test. Seriously, how strong am I?!?! I don't think this has ever happened in the history of my life!
Now if it had been a chocolate chip cookie, this story might have gone a different way :)
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