The (blurry) photo below was taken on Monday, one day shy of 2 weeks since getting it done. As you can see, there are no chips and no peeling polish! The only reason I had to get them re-done was because my nails were growing out so fast (one plus side to the pregnancy hormones!). The one negative thing for the Shellac polish is that you have to use 100% acetone (not commercial nail polish remover) to get the polish off which can be harsh on your skin. Also, unless you work in a lab and have access to acetone (for 3 more weeks I do!) you'll have to go back to the salon to have the polish removed. But this is a very small negative compared to the positives of a long lasting polish and immediately dry nails upon leaving the salon!
So I am now a firm Shellac believer and I'm not sure I'll ever go back to regular polish again!
I have been told after 2 times you must take a 2 week break with no polish. It isn't the best for a healthy nail bed. I hope I am wrong.
Oh...good to know! I wasn't told that so I'll have to ask next time I go in. Thanks for the heads up!
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