Monday, May 23, 2011

Dancing the baby out!

So I've been told all the old wive's tales to start labor, but I didn't know about this one until I saw this video.  I'm not sure if I'm quite ready for this, but give me a little longer and I'll be all over it*.

I'm not sure which is funnier....the pregnant lady dancing, the husband's commentary, or the dog wondering what the heck is going on!  This woman is awesome!!

Video from the blog Waiting for Tuesday

*Who am I kidding...I just danced around my kitchen while making muffins**!  Note to self - download some MC Hammer :)

**And no, this will never be on youtube!!

1 comment:

Tim said...

I'm ... speechless!!! Then again, what can one say with this image in their mind?!

Hurry, B-FO--don't make your mom do this!!