Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The track gods hate me!

Today makes two weeks in a row that my interval workout has been foiled by the track gods! There is a great public track sort of on my way home from work that I found last spring. There are no soccer/football/lacrosse teams practicing on the infield to worry about, it's never crowded, and it actually has lights. Last Wednesday I drove up to find the lights off and a sign saying the track was closed for 2 weeks for construction.....doh!

Tonight I drove to a different track (one that is more out of my way) that I swore had lights.......I guess I was wrong as it was pitch black when I got there! Double doh!

I think someone is trying to tell me not to do my intervals! Do not fear....I ignored that someone and last week did my intervals (4 x 1200m) on Thursday after I finished coaching (a perk of being a coach is I get to used the track and keep the lights on for myself!).

Tonight I am enjoying not doing my mile repeats and instead celebrated by eating pretty much an entire bag of mint M&Ms (and I don't mean the single size bag either.....triple doh!) Guess I'll be looking for another track tomorrow!

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