Wednesday, May 21, 2008

The good and the bad

I was waiting to post until after I ran today so I could give you an update. I played it smart and haven't run since Friday. I road my bike both Saturday and Sunday, did yoga on Monday, and biked again yesterday. I decided I would run today and Friday with a massage on Thursday. Today felt both good and bad.....I did 5.5 miles with 2 miles at marathon pace. My hip felt fine (yay!) and my shin felt much better (another yay!) however everything else just felt off.....I just couldn't get into a rhythm. But I'm not going to let it get to me.....for every bad run, a good one is waiting to happen :) Let's just hope that good day happens on Sunday!

I got an e-mail from my friend John today with a great pep talk.....just what I needed. John coined the phrase "Mission 3:40" that I love (note to self.....if the 3:40 doesn't happen this time, get shirts made with this for next time!). He told me to have confidence in my abilities and my training. Everyone always says to "trust your training" but I haven't fully understood that until now. With these last couple days off from running and a so-so run today, I really need to trust the strong training runs I have had and the miles I logged over the past 18 weeks and know those are what's going to carry me the 26.2 miles on race day....hopefully faster than think!

Now I just need to stop thinking about the weather....looks like its going to be a hot one!!

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