Monday, February 4, 2008

Is there such a thing as perfection?

The past two weeks there has been a lot of talk in New England about perfection. Like many other football fans, last night I watched, cheered, and anxiously waited as the seconds ticked down in the Superbowl....would the Patriots end their season perfect? We all know the outcome of that and I'm not going to gloat or rub it in because that's not what this blog is about (but remember...I may live in Boston now, but I grew up in northern New Jersey...Go Giants!!)

It got me thinking......can anyone truly be perfect? And is there truth to the old saying "Don't count your chickens before they hatch?" Watching the Patriots and their fans preparing for last night's game was interesting. Plans were already in the works for a celebratory parade on Tuesday and fans were more concerned about how much the Pats would win by rather than if they would win.

I think we can all learn from this major upset last night. Never assume anything will be easy, because it often isn't. Never rest easy on your previous accomplishments because someone will always be there to swoop in and beat you. And never stop pushing for perfection and assume someone will hand it to you....there will always be someone stronger, faster, or smarter than you just waiting to end your perfect season.

18-1....that's gotta sting! The only way this victory would be any sweeter is if the Eagles were the ones that brought them year :)

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