Friday, November 16, 2007

Another good interval session

Yesterday I was forced on the treadmill again due to my work schedule and some bad weather so I decided to do another speed session. This time I did a pyramid of intervals....after my 1.5 mile warm up I did a 400m, 600m, 800m, 800m 600m, and 400m all with a 200-400m recovery between each. I finished with 1 mile cool down. Here's how my speeds played out:

400m - 1:49 (7:19 min/mile pace)
600m - 2:43 (7:19 min/mile pace)
800m - 3:40 (7:24 min/mile pace)
800m - 3:40 (7:24 min/mile pace)
600m - 2:45 (7:22 min/mile pace)
400m - 1:49 (7:19 min/mile pace)

Total with warm up, cool down, and recovery walk/jogs - 5.75 miles

As much as I detest the treadmill, it does force me to be consistent with paces which is nice for speed work. While I was running, Bryan was lifting on the other side of the gym. When we were both finished he turned to me and said "how far did you run on that thing? Every time I looked over you were still running!" Nice :)

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