I am a Biomedical Engineer so one would think I have a fairly sound knowledge of science and biology. I usually don't buy into a lot of the alternative medicine ideas. I also have a doctor husband who laughs at most of that stuff too. So when my sports massage woman told me about
Kinesio Taping I was a little skeptical. The idea is that this Japanese stretchy tape will (1) provide support to the muscles while holding them in place....this part makes sense and (2) lift the skin off the area some so that blood and lymphatic fluid flow can be increased to promote healing. I wasn't so sure about this claim!?!?

But being 2 weeks out from my marathon and still in a lot of pain, I decided to give it a shot....worst case scenario is that I lose $45. I got both my shins and my soleus muscles taped up last Friday with an oh so subtle neon pink tape. That night I was on my feet and walking around a lot (plus I wore heels...first time in a month!). The next day I decided to try an easy 4 mile run. I was really surprised that my legs felt pretty good. Usually my shins ache for the first mile or so and then lessen some. This time that aching wasn't quite as bad and my calves seemed to hold up fine.
On Sunday I ran 10 miles still feeling okay but noticing some other aches and pains (my right hip and I are not friends right now!) I was still encouraged that my calves and shins were feeling okay. I took Monday off and went to yoga (haven't been in 4 months) so my hips are feeling better.
Last night was probably my best run in a long time. It was only 6.25 miles, but everything felt great.....no I wasn't pain free, but my head, heart, and body were in the best spirits they have been in for a long time. The miles felt effortless...like I could have run forever. I got home and told Bryan that I wanted to bottle everything about that run and use it on race day! I really needed that boost mentally!
So this morning the tape came off (you keep it on for 4-5 days then remove it)........whether its just placebo or that the tape actually does something
I don't care!! Whatever the reasoning is, I felt better and had less pain than I've had in a long time. As my friend Maria said "That's what matters most. To BELIEVE!" So I am getting re-taped tomorrow and once more next week before the race.
At least I'll be easy to spot on the course with my pink stripes!
Hi Sarah,
Glad you are feeling a bit better!
I'm a nestie (AprilinOctober) and have been reading your blog as I train for my first marathon.
I'm feeling some pain in my inner groin so am going to a sports md tomorrow.
What type of professional did the taping for you? I'm also skeptical but really don't want to miss my marathon (12/9 in Dallas).
Wooo hooo, you are so pretty in pink! Make sure you're running gear for race day matches up ;)
I have HORRIBLE shin pain....I've been workign on strengthening the muscles, but its not helping, nor is stretching.
HELP!!! WHO did the taping for you???
I can't see an MD doing this??? More holisitc, but I called the one I knwo & he hadn't heard of it. HELP!!!
April and 311boysmom--Thanks for reading my blog and commenting!! For the taping, I went to my sports massage place. They have two therapists that are trained in Kinesio taping. I also mentioned it to my PT and he had heard of it and had a couple clients that tried it with good results so you could check with a PT. I don't think its a cure...true rest is the only real cure for shin splints, but I'm hoping its enough to get me across the finish line!
April - you have a lot of time before your marathon so take the time NOW to rest and recover. If only I had done this when the pain started I might not have missed training in the later stages. Seeing an MD is probably smart...I was too scared they would tell me something bad and make me stop running :)You will get through it though!
M - I thought the same thing about my outfit of choice for race day....I was planning on wearing navy Nike Tempo shorts, but I might have to wear my pink ones instead :)
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