Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Pep Talks

I have a couple friends running the Chicago Marathon this weekend. They have all been great at giving me pep talks when I needed them over the past month so today was my turn! Below is an excerpt from my e-mail. I wanted to post it here too as a pep talk to others as well as to myself. Paul thinks I should go into motivational speaking...what do you think??

From Sarah's pep talk to John, Paul, and Maria --
I'm not going to wish you good luck because you don't need it.......I am going to say congratulations!!! Over the past 18+ weeks you have run more miles than most people think is humanly possible, you have given up many beers in place of water and Gatorade, and the amount of Gu's you have eaten is enough to make any one's stomach turn over. You have gotten not only your body, but your mind and heart into the best shape of your life.......not only are you physically ready for this, but you are mentally ready too. You have made it though what most people will never do so no matter what happens on race day, realize that you have accomplished something amazing!

Have an amazing time, soak in the excitement and environment of the race activities and most importantly....HAVE FUN!! Trust your training and your have put in the miles and now its time for your victory lap! Congrats for making it this far...enjoy the ride :)

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