Wednesday, October 31, 2007

I'm back baby!

I decided Monday would be the big come back! Okay so its only big to me, but after two weeks of being virtually sedentary I was ready to run. The weather was perfect for a run and as I left work I got this gitty feeling all over. You would think I was about to go shoe shopping or something but no, I was that excited about going for my run! I raced in the door to my house to change and headed to the river. Tentatively I took my first steps as I set out. Usually its been the very beginning of my runs that hurts my shins and calves the most so I was nervous......but I felt nothing! No pain, no tightness, everything felt great. I took it really slow since I am still in recovery mode, but I covered 3.42 miles in no pain at all!

I am being good and easing back into running need to aggravate my legs again. On Tuesday I went to the gym and did the elliptical and lifted my upper body (something that running 50 miles a week doesn't leave you time to do). Today I took as a rest day and instead ate way too much Halloween candy as I waited for little kids to ring my doorbell. ...oopps!

I'll probably try another short run tomorrow and then over the weekend depending on how I feel...that's the beauty about not having a training schedule to follow! I better appreciate that feeling while it lasts :)


Maria said...

Sarah, you and DH look AMAZING on your trip!!! And your marathon pictures totally rock too!!! I'm glad to hear that recovery is treating you right and that you got back out running there pain-free. Keep up the cross-training and you'll build a great foundation to a stronger self.

Keep your fingers crossed for me on Sunday - the marathon is here!!!

Janette said...

I'm so happy you're back! At the same time... I hate you. :) Haha! Just kidding. I'll be back soon too. Then we can go for really slow runs together! : )