Wednesday, February 23, 2011

My Burning Heart!

Turns out this little guy is burning up my heart...but not in a good way!  No, he's making his presence known in the form of pregnancy induced heartburn which is making poor mommy pretty uncomfortable.  Now that I'm almost 6 months pregnant and the baby (and my growing uterus) are taking up so much space in my abdomen, all my poor other organs are getting shoved, squeezed, and sometimes kicked into places they don't want to be.  This, along with pregnancy hormones, slows down the digestive tract and can cause heartburn.  I'm trying to figure out if there are certain trigger foods but it seems to be pretty random (the huge burger and fries I had last night for dinner probably didn't help the situation).  It also seems worse when I bend over so yoga tonight should be least its a prenatal class so no one will think twice if I need to run to the bathroom during downward facing dog!

If this keeps up for the next three months, I highly recommend you all buy stock in Tums! 

1 comment:

Lee Pretz said...

Hope you're not feeling too bad. At least its only 3 more months. OMG its going to go fast. Can't wait to see you!