Two weeks ago Utah celebrated
Pioneer Day. What's that you ask. I asked the same thing but when I found out we both got the day off work making a nice 3 day weekend, I stopped asking questions! Pioneer Day is July 24th and celebrates the first settlers coming into the Salt Lake Valley. Its a state holiday but its regarded mostly as a Morman holiday since it was the prophet Brigham Young who brought the Mormans into the city. Many of the locals say that Pioneer Day is bigger to the Mormans than the 4th of July!
So we decided to take advantage of the long weekend and head a little east into the
Uinta Mountains to do some camping. We went with some new friends and had a great time! Lots of hiking, laughing, eating, and relaxing...all at 10,000+ ft! I think we all wished that every weekend was Pioneer day :)
Since a picture is worth a thousand words, here you go!
Day 1 Hiking
Yes, that is snow he's standing the end of July!
Our campsite...the combined living room/dining room is in the foreground and the bedrooms are in the background
Warming our hands by the fire (and apparently I'm also doing the robot??). It was in the low 40's at night...burr!
Because we were car camping, we were able to bring lots of food and drinks. Our friends made this meal - Thanksgiving dinner, camping style! We made pulled pork. Yes, we ate like kings!
Day 2 Hike
The four of us in the basin
This region is known for its many lakes. We'd be hiking along the trail and all of a sudden it would open out into a beautiful meadow...perfect spots for moose. I kept doing my moose calls but none of them answered.
In the meadows, there were often tons of wild flowers
Beautiful sunset on night two
As you can see, we had a great time and saw some beautiful places. Bryan and I still say to each other almost daily how lucky we are to live so close to all these amazing sites!