But for those of you still around, I am excited to say that last week I hit a new weekly mileage PR! Here's how it played out:
Monday - It may be March, but winter is still here and dumped a lot of snow on us east coasters. So it was on the TM for a torture session including mile and 800m intervals. As a friend on Runner's Worlds says "bacon pudding miles.....speed work on a treadmill is just wrong like bacon pudding!" After a warm up I did 2 x 1 mile at 7:24 - 7:30 pace followed by 4 x 800m at 7:00 - 7:08 pace and then another 2 x 1 mile at 7:30 pace. Ended with a cool down and had 11 miles for the day!
Tuesday - Easy 5.6 miles at lunch to shake out the stiffness in my legs from Monday's intervals. I also had swim class after work which kicked my butt since I hadn't been there in 2 weeks!
Wednesday - Easy 5 miles on the TM in the morning. Have I told you how much I HATE running in the morning?!?!? Pure torture! Then I did a hilly 10 miles after work and felt much better than I did that morning....thank goodness! Finished the day with a total of 15 miles.
Thursday - No running!! Swim class at night which went much better than Tuesday's session.
Friday - Easy 6.4 miles at lunch.....getting ready for Saturday's long run.
Saturday - 21 mile long run in 60 degree temperatures!!! It was wonderful to run in shorts and a tank top but I was wondering how the heck I trained all summer in the real heat when 60 degrees felt stifling?!?!
- 6 mile recovery run with Bryan (his longest run in a while and he felt great!). Legs were feeling surprisingly good after the high mileage so that made me happy.

So there you have it......6 days of running boiled down to 65 miles for the week!! I beat my previous weekly PR by 5 miles and my legs felt great doing it! I actually had a massage last night and had no aches and pains to complain about.....that never happens. Hold on a sec.....need to go find some wood to knock on.....ok I'm back.
I am stepping back a bit this week in preparation for the New Bedford Half Marathon on Sunday. I pushed my harder runs to earlier in the week and am resting up now. I even took and unscheduled rest day today because I just didn't feel like running. I'll let you know how the race goes (and I promise you won't have to wait another month for me to post!) but I'm hoping all this hard work will pay off with another PR....this week in the form of a faster time!
1 comment:
You really nailed it this week and this round of training - I'm hoping you have a great race in New Bedford, break a shoelace!
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