Monday, March 23, 2009

Few pictures from New Bedford

Here are a few pictures from the New Bedford Half Marathon

I like this one cause it looks like I am flying with both feet off the ground!

Inadvertently giving a thumbs up.....I tend to run with my thumbs up for some reason! 
(and no....I am not wearing a running skirt - those are shorts!)


Maria said...

Great pictures!! I do a thumbs up thing myself + a little T-Rex arm :-)

Van 1- Hall said...

thanks for the kinesio stuff. I am gonna email my buddies in athletics here and see if they can snag me any of it...preferably not hot pink.

Steph said...

What's wrong with a skirt? Ha, ha.

Are those the new Lululemon shorts you were talking about? I need to start my marathon outfit shopping now!