Friday, February 23, 2007

Getting Nervous!

I don't know why, but I am getting really nervous and anxious about my first 18 miler tomorrow morning. I did 16.5 miles 2 weeks ago and felt really major problems or soreness after so why should 18 make me nervous?!?! Last weekend was a stepback and that's when I fell on the ice and hit my chin. Ever since then, I have been really nervous and timid running outside. I did 8 miles on Wednesday and I was 30sec/mile slower than normal because I was so scared of falling again.

To make matters worse my running buddy, whom I didn't run with last weekend, had an awesome run and set a new PR for her 10 miles. I am so excited for her and know that I too could keep that pace under better conditions, but I guess it just gets me anxious going into tomorrow knowing that she is coming off of a great run and I am coming off of my worst running experience.

Hopefully I can shake this feeling by 8am tomorrow morning.....wish me luck!

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