Wednesday, September 7, 2011

A light... the end of the growth spurt tunnel!

I am happy to report that after a loooong 10 days and even longer 10 nights, Nolan seems to be resuming his normal* sleep patterns.  I really think the regression was part of his three month growth spurt since it started the same week he turned 3 months (on a side note, how is my baby already 3 months old!?!?).  This was the first growth spurt that really hit us this hard and for this many days so it was rough on all of us.  There were quite a few tears, (his and mine), lots of night wakings, and too short naps, but hopefully we are on the tail end of things.

With the exception of last night when he had some bad gas that was waking him up (note to self...don't eat any more flax seed muffins while breastfeeding), he's been going down at night around 8:00-8:30pm and not waking up until 4:00-4:30am.  Yes, you read that right...8 hours of sleep!!  Not even a peep looking for his paci.

We're still working on lengthening his naps more since he seems to wake up after about 40 minutes for every single nap.  We'll get nap at a time!  Baby steps, right?

Thank you to all who emailed me with their support, suggestions, and words of encouragement.  I know I'm not the first to go through this, but its nice to hear reassurance from other parents out there!

*I'm learning that there isn't truly a normal for a baby...once you think they are on a schedule BAM...they change it!!  But that's what keeps you on your toes, right?? :)

1 comment:

Mom said...

Glad to hear things have improved. You've survived the first of many challenges that will arise as a parent. But we know you're up for the challenge. Enjoy the sleep while you can. Love you!