Monday, August 29, 2011

Regressing :(

Its been a rough couple of nights in our home.  Nolan had been doing so well with sleeping at night.  In fact, he's always been a good night sleeper, even at the beginning he'd go about 3 hours, eat, and go right back to bed.  Last week we were up to a few nights of 7-7.5 hours and it was heavenly...absolutely heavenly!!  He'd go to sleep around 9pm, sleep until 4am-ish, eat, and go right back to sleep until 7-8am.  He'd wake 2-3 times otherwise and just need his pacifier put back in but otherwise he slept pretty well.  And so did mom!

Unfortunately the last 4 nights we've regressed...regressed hard core!  Not only is he wanting to eat twice a night, but he's very restless and waking up every HOUR squirming and grunting in his crib.  That means that mommy is waking up every hour too :(  This is worse than when he was a newborn!  Add to this that his naps have been sub-par or non-existant recently too and you have one tired mommy and daddy (but let's face it, he sleeps through most of it!).

I'm really hoping this is just a phase (3 month growth spurt perhaps?) and that my sweet little boy goes back to his 7 hour stretches soon (please Nolan, PLEASE).  At least he's not too cranky during the day as a result.  Man, I hope I didn't just jinx myself now!

P.S.  And that whole "sleep while the baby sleeps" thing....yeah right!  I'd love to know any mom that can actually accomplish this!

1 comment:

Lee said...

Hope it gets better real quick!!