Thursday, July 14, 2011

Our last weekend in SLC

Yes, I know I'm backtracking a bit as we've been in Portland for 2 weeks now but I thought I'd share some pictures of our last weekend in SLC.  Even with the move, we managed to have some fun before leaving town!

"What??  We're moving??"

We drove up to Alta so Nolan could spend his first day out of the womb there.  Look at all the snow still left!

There was so much snow Bryan was even able to get one more run in!

Nolan felt snow for the first time...

...guess he's not a fan yet!

Then we picniced outside while the movers packed our stuff

and napped

All loaded onto the truck headed to Portland!

One last picture at Nolan's first house.


Diane said...

Great pics! Wishing you all the best in Portland. xoxo

Maureen said...

I love all the photos, but especially Nolan's expression (and comment) in the top photo! I am sure the 3 of you will be oh so happy living in Portland!