Wednesday, April 27, 2011

"What would we do if...

...I went into labor NOW??"* 

This was a question Bryan and I somewhat jokingly kept asking each other two weekends ago when we decided to get away at the last minute down to Arches National Park for an overnight.  We went to Arches in October when I was about 7-8 weeks pregnant and I just loved it (not that I haven't loved all the places we've visited)!  Its about 4 hours from SLC so totally doable for a quick get-away.

The problem?  Its in the middle of no where!  At 33 weeks pregnant, I was still in the "able to travel zone" given to me by my OB but after a college friend recently had her baby at 31 weeks (baby is doing great!) and another friend gave birth last year at 33-34 weeks, we were a little nervous.  Add to this to the fact that we were hiking and camping (yes, camping at 33 weeks pregnant!), which walking is an old wives tail for stimulating labor, but everything was fine and we had a great trip!!

I did however get MANY comments and looks from strangers as they saw my big belly coming toward them (and sometimes passing them) on the trails.  All the comments were positive with lots of "WOW!  Good for you!" or "That's awesome!  Inspiring!"  However, I did notice a few side eyes and obvious stares at my belly by some less-positive people.  Oh well...I bet they were just jealous that a pregnant chick just passed them on the hike :)

**Warning....picture overload below!**

 Before we got all sweaty from hiking, I wanted a few nice pictures of me and B-Fo.  These were taken at our campsite...pretty cool spot, huh??

Day 1 on our hike through Devil's Garden

Bryan's artistic shot of our campsite at night...and proof that I actually did camp!

Day two after hiking up to Delicate Arch...its the most famous one but its probably my favorite too
Hiking through the Klondike Bluffs, which we didn't do last time we were there.  
(I was disappointed that there weren't Klondike bars at the end)

As you can see, the weather was perfect and it felt so good to get out of town and into some sun for a couple days.  Luckily we never had to answer the question "what would we do if...?"

*For the record, my vote was to drive back to SLC since most 1st time moms don't deliver within 4 hours of labor starting.  Bryan wanted to go to Moab or Price but if you've ever been to southeastern Utah, you'd understand my fear in this idea!


Maria said...

Have loved seeing all of your pregnancy pictures set in nature, I don't really think I've ever seen another pregnant friend what such amazing backgrounds! I remember when my friend, Missy, and I were still running together, her at 9 mos. pregnant, there were definite looks but mostly non-runners being curious :)

Maureen said...

You are an inspiration to every pregnant Mom out there! It's great you can be so active Sarah, you are growing a strong baby as well!!!

Sarah said...

Oh yeah Maria...I definitely get some looks when I'm running! Again mostly smiles or thumbs up but the other day one woman (obviously not a runner!) stared me down with this evil look that implied I was murdering my child...yikes! Oh well...I still looked more fit than her even with my extra pounds :)

michquig said...

I love love love these photos! Lucky baby, lucky you and lucky husband.
Great tent shot too!!

Tim said...

You need a running shirt, and a hiking shirt, that says "Back off--don't mess with Momma Bear!"