Its been a rough couple of nights in our home. Nolan had been doing so well with sleeping at night. In fact, he's always been a good night sleeper, even at the beginning he'd go about 3 hours, eat, and go right back to bed. Last week we were up to a few nights of 7-7.5 hours and it was heavenly...absolutely heavenly!! He'd go to sleep around 9pm, sleep until 4am-ish, eat, and go right back to sleep until 7-8am. He'd wake 2-3 times otherwise and just need his pacifier put back in but otherwise he slept pretty well. And so did mom!
Unfortunately the last 4 nights we've regressed...regressed hard core! Not only is he wanting to eat twice a night, but he's very restless and waking up every HOUR squirming and grunting in his crib. That means that mommy is waking up every hour too :( This is worse than when he was a newborn! Add to this that his naps have been sub-par or non-existant recently too and you have one tired mommy and daddy (but let's face it, he sleeps through most of it!).
I'm really hoping this is just a phase (3 month growth spurt perhaps?) and that my sweet little boy goes back to his 7 hour stretches soon (please Nolan, PLEASE). At least he's not too cranky during the day as a result. Man, I hope I didn't just jinx myself now!
P.S. And that whole "sleep while the baby sleeps" thing....yeah right! I'd love to know any mom that can actually accomplish this!
Monday, August 29, 2011
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
East Coast Trip: Part 1
This summer we traveled back east for two weeks to see family and friends. Obviously we were a little nervous about traveling with Nolan who was 2 months old at the time, but he did great! The first part of our trip was to PA to see my family. Despite the 95+ degree temperatures (thank God for A/C!!), Nolan had fun meeting all my crazy family.

Nolan's first flight...he even got his wings!
Meeting his Great Grandma and Great Grandpa for the first time
Hanging with Grandma and Grandpa. It was too hot for clothes!
Tried escaping the heat by heading to Avalon at the Jersey Shore
"Hey ladies!......... ........Where's Snookie??"
Then we went swimming in Uncle Danny and Aunt Rachelle's pool. The water was so warm from the heat that Nolan probably thought it was bath time!
Just chilling with Uncle Danny
So you can see we packed a lot into our week in PA and saw a lot of people!
Next up, NY and Boston!
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
That's right...90%!!!
Yesterday was Nolan's 2 month pediatrician check up. He was actually 2 months and 17 days because we were out of town when he turned 2 months. Looks like my boy is continuing his trend from birth in the size department! He weighed 14 lb 7 oz and was 24.75 in long...90th % on both! He got three shots and handled them like a pro (unlike how his mommy used to still does handle shots).
Looks like he's taking after his mommy and daddy by scoring all A's!!
Looks like he's taking after his mommy and daddy by scoring all A's!!
Monday, August 15, 2011
Summer vacation is over :(
Its been such a busy summer for my family that I haven't had any time to blog about it! Between the move, a two week trip back east, getting settled into our new home, oh yeah, and taking care of a 2 month old (!!), its safe to say we've had our hands full. But we've enjoyed every minute of it! We are very fortunate that Bryan didn't start his new job until today so both of us have been home together with Nolan and able to explore Portland as a family. Bryan loved being able to spend so much time with his son and I loved having both my guys home all day!
But now its back to reality. Today Nolan and I dropped Bryan off for his first day of work. Of course Nolan chose last night to have the worst night sleep he's ever had in his short 11 week life. Oh yeah, and one of the cats puked on the carpet this morning too. The day can only get better from here, right?? (Please lie to me and tell me it will)
I promise to take some time in the next few weeks to update you on what we've been up to over our summer vacation. For now, here's a picture of my boys on the first day of work. Nolan dressed up just like daddy :)
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