One of my RW friends posted this picture online. It's from the 2008 London Marathon. The three guys shown finished 1, 2, and 3....
"This $hit ain't easy. It brings the best runners in the world to their knees. Literally. And we're right there doing the same thing. Time to HTFU" -4chi
Training is going well...I know I need to post about my actual running sometime soon :) My knee feels back to 100%....I think it was a little tendonitis rather than ITB. Following a Pfitz inspired program but changing some things up a bit. His mid-week MLR are crucial in my opinion but I'm changing up some of his speed and tempo work.
Love it!
How's Philly training going? Are you using Pfitz?
Training is going well...I know I need to post about my actual running sometime soon :) My knee feels back to 100%....I think it was a little tendonitis rather than ITB. Following a Pfitz inspired program but changing some things up a bit. His mid-week MLR are crucial in my opinion but I'm changing up some of his speed and tempo work.
Glad to see your mileage coming back too!
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