Monday, April 13, 2009

Feeling Feisty!

My legs, that is! This past week my legs have been feeling feisty....they want to run!! Its that wonderful, magical time that comes approximately twice a year called taper.

On Wednesday, I did my last hard track workout of training:

4 x 400m at 5k pace with 200m recoveries
2 x 800m at 10k pace with 400m recoveries
4 x 400m at 5k pace with 200m recoveries

Its safe to say that I nailed this workout harder than any of my track workout this training! My paces were a good 20-30 seconds per mile faster than what I had legs just wanted to go!

On Sunday, I went out for my last "long run" of 12 miles. Bryan came with me for the first 6.5 miles and helped me push the pace some. It felt great! My heart rate stayed low and I felt awesome even with the wicked head wind!

Its working.....the taper is working!!! Now if I can just keep this "taper worm" under control and stop eating everything in site :)

1 comment:

Steph said...

The taper worm; I need to keep the gummy worm under control! This Easter being right before the marathon thing is really not working for my caloric intake.