To switch things up a bit, I am trying out a new program with some Pfitz elements mixed in. The weekly runs will be based on Runner's World Ultimate Marathon Training Plan and the weekend long runs will be based on Pfitz. One of the main reasons I liked this program was the weekly runs included lots of different paces in the same run, which helps the boredom factor when on the treadmill.
So I am finishing up week two of the new plan tomorrow. Last week I ran 35.5 miles total with a 13 mile long run on Saturday. It felt good to be back on a training schedule (I operate much better when on a schedule!). But my legs were definitely in shock after getting a break over Christmas!
This week has gone really well as my body is readjusting to the mileage again.
Monday - 6 hilly miles at lunch at an 8:36 min/mile pace
Tuesday - 5 recovery miles with 6 strides on the treadmill
Wednesday - My first "triple play" workout (part of the new plan). This includes 2 miles at goal marathon pace followed by 3 miles at tempo pace followed by 2 miles at goal marathon pace. Combined with a 15 minute warm up and cool down, I was looking at 10.2 miles.....all on the treadmill!
Thursday - Rest day!
Friday - 5.5 recovery miles with 8 strides also on the treadmill.
I'm also incorporating more strength training (lots of core work!) so I did that a couple times this week too. Tomorrow will be 14 miles and its supposed to be pretty cold out there! I'll let you know how it goes!
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