Why do you hate runners so much? I know that you couldn’t possibly understand why I would chose to give up my lunch break to go for a run on a sunny 30 degree day, rather than getting in my car and driving to get greasy take-out. But would it kill you to slow down a bit? To move over just a foot to let me pass? I know you see me (except for maybe Mr. Fedex driver on your cell phone that forced me to jump into a snow bank) so is it that inconceivable to think you would give me an inch of your precious road?!?!?
And finally, although I might look like I need a shower, I do not need you to spray me with cold, dirty, icy slush, thank you very much. I have a hot shower waiting for me when I am done.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Monday, January 26, 2009
Boston Prep 16 Miler "Race" Report

Yesterday I ran in the Boston Prep 16 Mile Race in Derry, NH. The race is advertised as being "moderately challenging" but the picture to the left suggests more than moderate! I went into this race with the mentality that it was "an organized training run with water stops" rather than a race. I knew I didn't want to race it all out so I planned to take it easy.....faster than normal long runs, but slower than race pace.
Therefore, I did everything the day before that I would never do if I was actually racing. Bryan and I went skiing at Gunstock in NH on Saturday and enjoyed decent, but cold conditions. Rather than driving all the way back home, we got a cheap hotel room and went out to dinner. I ate lots of food I would never eat before a real race and I had a beer!
Sunday I woke up at 8am and it was 1 degree out....one lonely degree! At least the sun was shining :) Janette was supposed to race with me, but she had a migraine and texted to say she wasn't coming.....oh no....now I would have to do this tough race by myself! It was up to about 10 degrees by the start of the race at 10am.....bbbrrrrrrr!!
The first 10 miles were rolling....lots of ups and downs which wasn't too bad given what the next two miles had in store for me. Starting at mile 10.5 the "hill" begins. The word hill does not adequately describe this monster.....for 1.5 miles we climbed and climbed and climbed some more! It went from steep to steeper without any relief. I walked twice up the steepest parts to try to save my already tired legs. Let's just say this thing made Heartbreak Hill look like the bunny slope!
The last 4 miles were fairly flat with some downhills and I was pleased to pick up speed here. In the last 3 miles, not one person passed me and I passed about 10-15 people (many of whom passed me on the hills). So yes....I wasn't happy with myself for walking some, but in the end it allowed me to save my legs some and actually made up some time. My last mile clocked in as my fastest at 7:56...not too shabby!
So overall, I'm glad I did this race even if I didn't truly "race" it. Yes, it was cold (see the picture Bryan took at the end of the race of the temperature reading from his car)....gatorade was frozen as was my ponytail. Yes, it was a tough course and I'm not pleased that I walked some. Yes, I was a little tired from skiing the day before but I was really happy to see my pace pick up in the last 4 miles.
Watch Time: 2:18:42
Clock Time: 2:19:02
Average Pace: 8:41 min/mile
Average Pace for the 14 miles minus the hill (mile 10+11): 8:31 min/mile
Overall Place: 350/655
Female Place: 102/278
Overall, this race capped off a 47.3 mile week. I am very much looking forward to my step-back week this week!
Bryan wanted to prove how cold it really was! I ran more miles than degrees Fahrenheit!
That's me coming up the last hill to the finish line.....so cruel putting yet another hill at the end!
Friday, January 9, 2009
Switching up my training
For my last two marathons, I have followed the same training program (Pfitz 15-18 week up to 60 miles a week). Obviously I have a lot of faith in this program as it has gotten me two PRs and my first BQ. I was hoping to move up to the next program (up to 70 miles per week) for my Boston '09 training but I don't feel like I have a high enough mileage base or the time this winter to commit to that.
To switch things up a bit, I am trying out a new program with some Pfitz elements mixed in. The weekly runs will be based on Runner's World Ultimate Marathon Training Plan and the weekend long runs will be based on Pfitz. One of the main reasons I liked this program was the weekly runs included lots of different paces in the same run, which helps the boredom factor when on the treadmill.
So I am finishing up week two of the new plan tomorrow. Last week I ran 35.5 miles total with a 13 mile long run on Saturday. It felt good to be back on a training schedule (I operate much better when on a schedule!). But my legs were definitely in shock after getting a break over Christmas!
This week has gone really well as my body is readjusting to the mileage again.
Monday - 6 hilly miles at lunch at an 8:36 min/mile pace
Tuesday - 5 recovery miles with 6 strides on the treadmill
Wednesday - My first "triple play" workout (part of the new plan). This includes 2 miles at goal marathon pace followed by 3 miles at tempo pace followed by 2 miles at goal marathon pace. Combined with a 15 minute warm up and cool down, I was looking at 10.2 miles.....all on the treadmill!
Thursday - Rest day!
Friday - 5.5 recovery miles with 8 strides also on the treadmill.
I'm also incorporating more strength training (lots of core work!) so I did that a couple times this week too. Tomorrow will be 14 miles and its supposed to be pretty cold out there! I'll let you know how it goes!
Saturday, January 3, 2009
My 2009 Comeback
Yes, its been a while. My Dad put it best...."I am sick of 'keeping it in perspective'!" After many of my family members commented to me over Christmas about my lack of blogging, I am ready to make my comeback. Over the past two months there have been many times I've thought about blogging but just never got around to it. I hope I haven't lost all of my faithful readers (and I know there are more of you than those that actually leave comments!).
Before moving on to 2009, let's take a moment to reflect on 2008. The year was filled with a lot of highs and unfortunately some lows. Through everything, running has been one of the constants in my life. I have again been amazed by what I have pushed my body to do.....a new half marathon PR, two more marathons, and let's not forget me beating Bryan in some of those summer races!
And then there is the BQ.......Mission 3:40. So many of my posts over the past year have been focused on those two letters that mean nothing to the average person, but everything to a marathoner. I don't think I have been that focused on something since working on my MS thesis or maybe planning my wedding....whether that's healthy or not is a different story! I am proud of myself not so much for running Hartford fast enough to qualify for Boston, but for picking myself back up after my disappointment in Vermont and for working even harder to accomplish my goal. I've said this before, but I don't think I would appreciate the BQ as much if I hadn't had such a mental and physical let down earlier this year. Its taught me that success is not measured so much by the finish line, but by the journey you take to get there.
What's in store for 2009? Only time will tell.....but I am confident that running will continue to play a big part. I can only hope that the good runs out way the bad. But really there is no such thing as a bad run...sometimes we learn more from the so-called "bad runs"!
Total running miles this year: 1706 (that's an 11% increase in miles from last year!)
My 2007 mileage would have gotten me to Tulsa, OK......In 2008 I'd be able to get to Dallas, TX! Let's see where 2009 will take me!
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