I know its been a long time since my last update, but truth is I haven't been doing all that much running. Seems like its just one thing after another....
Thing 1: I felt good after Boston and was getting back into a good running schedule. Over Memorial Day weekend, Bryan and I went for a hike and the next day my left IT band was really sore and tight down by my knee. I could run on it but was really stiff. A massage and 2 days off and it was a little better but I could still feel the pulling. 6 more days of no running, lots of yoga, crosstraining, hip stretches (turns out my left hip was tighter than security around the president!), hip/glut strengthening, and icing.
I was very happy that after all this, I went for 2 runs and the knee/IT band felt great......I was coming back!
Thing 2: The flu...............I can not remember the last time I felt this terrible! It hasn't been confirmed since I didn't go to the doctor, but there is a strong chance it was the Swine flu....oink oink :) I had it all......fevers, horrible muscle aches, bad cough, extreme fatigue, congestion. I laid down on my couch on Wednesday afternoon and only got up to go to the bathroom and move to my bed from then until Saturday. I am glad to report that I have my energy back and while I still have an unfriendly cough, I am definitely on the mend!
Tested out two 4 mile runs this week and while my pace is really slooooow from being sick, I was feeling good. I was coming back.....again!
Thing 3: Rain :( I am about ready to build an arc because it has literally rained 7 of the past 10 days. Last night Bryan and I were supposed to run one of the summer races that we do each month but it was pouring. I didn't think it was a good idea to be out in the rain while still recovering and neither of us were to excited about getting wet so we skipped it.
I'm hoping these are all the set-backs I will have for a while......maybe its good to get them all over with together! Hoping to get my mileage increasing soon for fall marathon training. Unfortunately I lost a lot of my mileage base I built during Boston training so I will probably need to keep it a little lower volume and try to work on some intensity over the summer. We'll see how the cards fall!
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