Tuesday, September 9, 2008

"You know its bad when....

.....you are disgusted by your own smell!" This was the comment I made to John on our 18 miler this Saturday. In case you don't live in the north east, we had some of the most humid conditions on Saturday that I have ever run in! I looked at weather.com when I got home:

Real Temperature: 75 degrees
Dew Point 73-74 degrees
Humidity: 85-93%

You have got to be kidding me!!!!

We ran out of Fitcorp so hit all the major Newton Hills. We refilled water when we could and yet I was still thirsty. I don't think I have ever sweat so much in my entire life! 18 miles got us to the bottom of Beacon Hill and we all chose to walk up it rather than running the extra 0.4 miles....I was exhausted! I finished a couple minutes before John and Paul and was sitting outside Fitcorp to cool down. When I got up I realized I had left behind an actual puddle....yuck! Then I saw an ant stuck to my leg that had apparently drowned in my sweat....poor guy!

We were all so happy to have that run finished, but I am so proud of all three of us for sticking it out and covering the 18 miles in a great pace.....by my watch we averages a 9:05 - 9:10 min/mile.

Please, please don't make race day like that!!!!!


Maria said...

I'm bowing down to you for getting 18 done in those conditions! I got beat up big time by that humidity, man... it was rough.

I, too, was more soaked than I get from a full on rain storm -- the cat didn't even want to lick my leg like normal. GUH.

Keep up the amazing work!!

Steph said...

I love it-the ant drowning in sweat! Way to go ant killer! Good for you for sticking it out.